Jefferson City, Mo. – From March 28 to April 1, 2022, homeschooled teenagers went to TeenPact Missouri II State Class to learn more about the government. On March 30th, Governor Parson came and talked and answered questions.
Governor Parson
Governor Mike Parson came and spoke to the TeenPacters on March 30th. After he spoke, he answered some of the students questions. One of the things Governor Parson said in his speech is what we should have in life if we want to succeed.
Three important things: Christian values, number one; moral values, number two; and love of the state and love of this country. If you have those three things in your life, you’re going to be able to do just about whatever you want to do.
“Rudolph Performance”
During the Political Communications Workshop (PCW) on April 1st, students were able to trade with other teams. One of the teams had done something wrong so they got to choose between two punishments: pay some money or perform “Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer.” The team decided on the latter. They managed to convince some of their friends to join in as reindeer and even the staffers singing along.