Tips To Properly Prepare And Maintain A Spring Garden

Plants for sale at Alton Farmers Market.

Plants for sale at Alton Farmers Market.

It is the end of April now.The time has come to begin your spring gardening routine. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Start by clearing away any debris from around your proposed garden area. This includes removing leaves, branches, and other plant material.

2. Plan out your gardening area in advance. Make sure that you have enough space to store all of the materials that you will need, and make sure that the area is clear of obstructions.

3. Collect the necessary materials for gardening – this includes plants, rocks, and wire mesh – and place them in a designated area nearby your proposed garden area.

4. Begin by creating a boundary around your garden to plant. Surround the area with wire mesh or rocks. This will help keep wildlife out of the area, and it can also provide protection for your plants.

5. Position the plants inside the mesh or rocks, and secure them with wire ties or garden clamps. Be sure to leave plenty of room around each plant so that they can grow freely.

6. Add rocks and other natural elements to the area around your plants, and use the wire mesh or rocks to create a protective barrier around them. This will help keep animals away while also providing shelter for your plants.

7. Enjoy your beautiful spring garden!

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