Meet Our New School Superintendent- Holly Reese

Superintendent Reese

Alton, Mo. – The Alton Public School system is changing this year. With a larger-than-normal turnover of staff, it takes someone willing to stand up for students and education, while bringing together the new with the old. Holly Reese is just the person to do that.


Reese grew up in Alton, attending its schools and graduating in 1997. While being diligent in her studies, she worked her way through college as a para. Upon graduation, she taught for eight years before moving to the office area in the school. She has a degree in superintendence. She has since married and has two children, of which one graduated from Alton High School. Her other daughter and other family members currently attend the school. She lives here in Alton, eats here, and buys gas here. She wants what is best for the Alton community.

School Goals

Reese wants to send a message of positivity through the faculty to the students this year. Recovering from the pandemic with masking and closures to catching up on missed schoolwork, Reese’s goal this year is to get everyone back on track. She wants to see teachers and students working together. Obtaining student growth is important. This can all be a daring task. With Reese supervising, she brings out the best in each one she is around.


Superintendent Reese has a significant hurdle in building confidence in the staff and the students. Nonetheless, her best interest is the students and seeing them rise.

New This Year

Alton Public Schools has many new staff this year. Among the staff are two new principles. For the high school, Alton now offers band and welding. They are thinking career-minded.

Superintendent Rees is excited at this year’s possibilities for students and staff.

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