Look For 6 Planets Aligning On Monday

Multiple planets lined up at the Missouri Eclipse Expo on July 22, 2023, in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

Multiple planets lined up at the Missouri Eclipse Expo on July 22, 2023, in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

This is a spectacular year, astronomically speaking. Earlier, we experienced a total solar eclipse, a comet, and seven planets visible to the naked eye. Next, we saw the northern lights. What’s Next? On Monday night, six planets are lining up!

What To See

The planetary alignment will take place on June 3, 2024. In the early morning, six planets — Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune — will align in the sky. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn may be spotted with the naked eye, but you’ll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune and Uranus.

Recognizing The Planets

First, yellowish Saturn will be in the sky from late night on.  Neptune will be located in the nearby constellation Pisces, but you’ll need high-powered binoculars to spot it.

A little later, Mars will rise. You can distinguish the planet by its reddish tint. The planet will also be located in the constellation Pisces and visible to the naked eye.

Then, towards dawn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mercury will appear on the eastern horizon. Jupiter will be bright enough to see with the naked eye. You may be able to see Mercury without optics, too. However, that will be more difficult, as Mercury is close to the Sun. Uranus will only be visible through binoculars. The three planets will be located in the constellation Taurus.

When Is This?

You can see the planets late night through early morning on June 3, 2024. The alignment is not limited to a single day but may extend for several days before and after that date. So if you missed June 3 (as weathermen are calling for rain and clouds), do not worry. Try to spot planets on another day around the date. They can be seen around the country if you are on vacation.

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