4 Things To Look For On An August Night

Stars in a purple sky.Community

Stars in a purple sky.

How are you at late-night activities? Do you gaze at the stars and ponder whether they are stars, planets, or other man-made spacecraft? Do you want to know beforehand what to look for to be prepared? August night skies will not leave you bored. Here are things to look for on an August evening.

Meteor Shower

The Perseid Meteor Shower culminates on Sunday night, August 11, 2024. With clear skies in the forecast, anyone can get out and watch. As the moon sets about 11:30 pm, the meteor shower becomes more visible until dawn. You can expect to see 50-75 shooting stars per hour!

Close Encounters

A few days later, on August 14, Jupiter and Mars will pair up. In less than a full moon’s width, the two planets will  appear to be just a third of a degree apart,


Later, on August 20, the Moon chases Saturn across the sky tonight. The pair rise in the east shortly after sunset and continue toward the west until dawn.


And finally, on August 27, 2024, Mars, Jupiter, And the moon for quite the threesome. You can see them an hour or two before sunrise in the east.

So mark your calendar and grab a blanket. These evenings are full of wonder.

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