Want To Eat Bugs? Majority Of People Don’t

bugs in serving container

bugs in serving container

Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum has advocated that people eat insects instead of meat to stop climate change. He promotes the theory that cows flatulate, which causes climate change. While climate change is yet unproven, the idea of eating bugs over a beef steak is not catching on.

Despite reading How To Eat Fried Worms, most people do not want fried worms.

Sweedish Bug Company

A Swedish company called Tebrito has been working hard to produce mealworms for insect proteins that could be added to human food. This would be similar to granola and protein bars.

They invested $4.2 million in marketing the bugs to accomplish this bug protein goal. Nonetheless, they have gone bankrupt. It seems like nobody wants to eat their insects. In 2023, they had a revenue of only $49,000 but were losing almost $12.6 million!

In other words, nobody is buying their insects. Looks like people are refusing the WEF agenda.

Another Swedish Company

At the end of July, another Swedish company, Mycorena, went bankrupt. They received $27.8 million in investment to produce 3D-printed fake meat from mycelium, but that also failed.

If even liberal Sweden rejects bug meals, why would Americans? People do not want to eat fake food

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