Alton City Council Met To Discuss Various Things At Monthly Meeting

Alton, Mo. –The Alton city council met on Monday, February 10, 2025, for their monthly meeting. The main item discussed was about lifeguard applications and the Independence Day celebrations.


The city council is working on ways to pave the streets in Alton as some of them are in need of it.


The city council is also looking into buying more mulch for the playground area at Tucker Creek Park. It was discussed that it is time to put out lifeguard applications as the pool season is coming up in just over three months. As soon as gets the application, it will be posted.

4th of July

Another item that was discussed was Alton’s Independence Day celebration. This year, it will once again be on July 3rd, which falls on a Thursday this year. They voted to have a DJ instead of a live band and to have bouncy houses again. As soon as gets the booth forms, it will be posted.

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