Today is March 14, 2025, or 3.14, the number for mathematical pi. Although math may not be everyone’s favorite subject, here are seven ways anyone can celebrate pi day.
#1 Buy A Pie
A classic thing you can do today is buy a pie or make a pie. Since we’re celebrating the mathematical pi, why not celebrate the food pie?
#2 Solve It
During the day, try to divide out pi as much as you can. (Good luck because it will never terminate!) If you want a challenge, invite your friends over and see who can solve pi the fastest in 3.14 minutes. If you’re by yourself, see how far you can divide it in that time.
#3 Research
Do a little research and see what all pi affects; for example, solving the circumference of a circle or finding the volume of a cone.
#4 Eat Pizza
For pi day, order a pizza or make your own pizza. You may be thinking what a pizza has to do with pi, so here’s the answer: pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. So pizza equals a circle which equals pi.
#5 Walk/Run
Another fun activity you can do is run or walk the distance of pi (which is 3.14). After you walk or run that distance, you’ll be ready for some pizza or pie!
#6 Baking Contest
If you don’t like math, eating, or exercising, how about baking to celebrate pi day? You can make a pie or a pizza, but really, you can make anything that is in a circle, like a doughnut, a cake, or an egg. If you have some friends, have a pi baking contest to see who’s the best pi cook.
#7 Workout
A final fun activity you can do for pi day is to have a pi workout that goes through the numbers of pi. [1] For example, start with 3 and do three reps of an exercise like squats. The next number is a 1, so do one rep of an exercise like push-ups, or you can designate 1 as a rest rep. Continue going through the digits of pi with different exercises.