Thayer, Mo. – Near Thayer, MO is a beautiful state park located in southern Oregon County, MO. This park is called Grand Gulf State Park. Is was designated a cave in 1984.  It is often referred to as Missouri’s “Little Grand Canyon.” Driving outside of town, the park driveway comes right before the road turns into dirt. Photographers have much eye candy to appeal to their talents.

Grand Gulf State Park (Official photo by Serena Thomas)
Grand Gulf State Park (Official photo by Serena Thomas)


Upon entering the park, one sees not too many parking places. Picnic tables encircle that area. From there, one can take a path in various directions. There is a cave, a beautiful natural bridge, and a breathtaking canyon. Walking trails lead alongside the deep gorge. They are of separate lengths, suitable for any age or fitness of walker.  Although one may desire to look down, there are no guard rails. The paths are well kept and wide enough, usually, for two to walk side by side.


As one knows, visiting the park at different times of the year can bring different sights to behold. Springtime brings flowers, some leaves, and a long viewing distance. One can look way down the canyon, along the stream, or across the divide. Rushing water after spring rains adds a babbling touch to the ears. Summer leaves fill in the views, but wildlife is abundant. A canopy of green leaves offer shade during the heat of the day, but can also stifle any breeze. Autumn shares its colorful beauty everywhere. One’s senses come alive as he listens to the crunch of dying leaves underfoot or watches small animals scurrying about storing up for the winter.  Winter brings hush and beauty of a different variety.


This park has straight up canyon walls that are 130 feet high overlooking the 3/4 mile long. Water runs through this canyon, into an underground cave. The water stays underground until it reaches Mammoth Spring, in Mammoth Spring, Arkansas. The whole park is 322-acres.

Trail through the woods.
Trail through the woods.
Blue water at the park.
Blue water at the park.
Trail through the woods.
Trail through the woods.