Alton, Mo. – Outback Greenhouse has been battling a cold, wet spring this year. This greenhouse offers a variety of plants. However, due to a lingering cold, damp spring, business has only recently picked up.
From January through March, cold dark days cluttered the calendar. Even the optimists wished hard for garden times. Freezing temperatures lasted well into the end of March. April even has recorded temperatures down in the low forties. One or perhaps two sunny days come to encourage flowering plants, only to be stomped down by more cold, grey days. Although this year did not set any records in the weather channel, residents still anticipated warmer, brighter days.
Nevertheless, as the end of April 2019 comes around, warmer, sunnier days are here. The Outback Greenhouse is busy filling the customer’s wishes.
The greenhouse hosts flowers of numerous types, sizes, and colors. Vegetable plants are healthy and green. Bushes and hanging baskets add to customer favorites.
Ken and Deb Tackitt run the Outback Greenhouse. Although several family problems have upset their household, they, too, are looking forward to spring and warmer days with lovely outside plants.
The Outback Greenhouse is located seven miles outside of Alton, MO on east Highway 160. Their address is 10 County Road 124.