Walmart’s Offering an InHome Delivery Service Starting This Fall

Person on tablet.Commentary

Person on tablet.

How do retailers like Walmart keep up with Amazon and all that it offers? They don’t. Amazon takes up almost 50 percent of all e-commerce sales while Walmart doesn’t even occupy 10 percent of the online market. [1] However, even these daunting numbers aren’t enough to discourage Walmart from trying to grow their customer base. Walmarts newest service, for those who make orders online or on the Walmart app, offers the option of having a Walmart representative place your groceries directly into your fridge, you don’t even have to walk to the door anymore.

As more and more people get on board and do their shopping online, there has also been a rise in “package thieves,” thieves who steal packages off peoples porches. Last year, Amazon launched an option for customers to allow Amazon representatives to deliver their goods inside the buyer’s house or garage, making it harder for thieves to take the packages. Now, Walmart is taking a page from their book and offering InHome Delivery as well. “Now we can serve customers not just in the last mile, but in the last 15 feet,” [2] their website says.

Putting food in your fridge is a little personal, you’ve always kept the milk a half inch from the right wall, on the second shelf, and now you’re just allowing a stranger to put away your food? If you’re okay with watching a Walmart deliveryman stock your fridge (literally, thanks to Walmarts plans on using wearable cameras on all deliverymen), then this might be the thing for you.

Walmart is planning on launching InHome this fall- starting in Kansas City, Missouri; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Vero Beach, Florida. If all goes well for these three cities, it could spread to the rest of the country. But first, Walmart has to train their employees how to properly deliver someone’s groceries, from picking out the best produce, to treating homes with respect when they drop off the goods.


  1. ^Only 3% of Millennial’s Don’t use Amazon in 2019 – Alton MO.” Alton MO, 26 Mar. 2019, (go back  ↩)
  2. ^We’re Taking Walmart Grocery Delivery One Step Further.” 7 June 2019, (go back  ↩)

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