It’s all over the news: cases of coronavirus victims worldwide. When we think we’re safe here in America, we find out that is just not true. Is there a vaccine? What preventions can I do?
Is This Epidemic Stage?
According to the World Health Organization director, a pandemic needs to be widespread, severe, and have a serious effect on society. [1] The coronavirus does not fit that description. Governments and health organizations are acting loudly to prevent furthering of this disease. Right now, the disease is slowing down in China and many people are recovering.
Description Of This Virus
Victims who have this strain of virus demonstrate flu-like symptoms. Sniffling and sneezing are not part of the symptoms. However, dry coughs, fever, and muscle pain are symptoms. This virus seems to hit the elderly harder than younger adults. Victims with heart or breathing issues also struggle to conquer it. Right now, there is no vaccine for this virus. It spreads through water molecules emitted from the nose or mouth. The air is not necessarily contagious. Nonetheless, the surfaces that receive the droplets do contain the virus.
Is There A Way To Prevent This?
As with most colds or cases of flu, some suggestions are available. Wash hands frequently and especially before touching your face. Next, cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. Stay home if you are sick. That works with the coronavirus as well as any cold or flu. And next is disinfect all surfaces you may be worried about. Prevention is the best medicine.
Can I Learn More?
There are more sources of reliable information. One source is the WHO’s (World Health Organization) site as well as the local health department.
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