The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut Day is scheduled for the third Thursday of October. This year that falls on this Thursday, October 15. This is a time set aside to prepare and practice for an earthquake.
What To Do?
Plan your drill. Drop, cover, and hold on. That’s the theme to remember. Drop to the floor. Cover yourself under something heavy like a table or desk. Then hold on through the shakings.
On Oct 15, 2020, at 10:15 a.m. whatever you are doing, wherever you are, you should drop, cover, and hold on. Practice as though there was a major earthquake. You do not need to leave the building you are in.
Which States Are Participating?
Although the drill is worldwide, Missouri participates in the Central U.S. program. The central U.S. includes 14 states. The central U.S. states include Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. In this region alone, 1.3 million participants registered. In Missouri, 317,540 registered to participate. Registrants include schools, non-profits, businesses, and hotels, among others.
Frequency Of Earthquakes Here
Seismologists measure an earthquake every 18 months in Southeast Mo. These quakes are strong enough to crack plaster. No large earthquakes as depicted in movies of size 10.0 or larger are registered here.