It’s the beginning of 2019, and if you made some new years resolutions, you aren’t the only one.
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China’s Chang’e 4 Grows First Plant on Moon
Today, twelve days after the landing, the seeds planted inside a cannister in Chang’e 4 have begun to sprout.
Elon Musk Building Gigafactory in China to Escape Trade War
This could potentially allow him to escape from the tariffs that have been rising with President Trump’s trade war with China.
Apple Boasts Privacy on Billboard in Las Vegas Before CES
In Las Vegas, Nevada Apple boasted about their commitment to privacy on a giant billboard that spanned the height of an entire building.
Apple Warning Sinks Stocks $64 Billion- Dragging Down Markets
Apple’s troubles sparked increasing fears a more significant than anticipated decline in Chinese markets which could spill into the international markets.
Google Moving Money Anticipating Paying More Taxes Internationally
Google says tax havens are not illegal. Uses tax haven strategy to shield international profits from taxes. Total over 22 Billiion in 2017 moved.
China Becomes First Nation Soft Landing Dark Side Of Moon
China’s Chang’e 4 lunar probe raises the bar for space exploration by accomplishing a first time landing on the dark side of the moon.
UPS Will Be Returning More Packages Than Ever- Prior to Christmas
November and December bring around some of the years most known and most loved holidays.
HSBC Trying out Samsung Smartwatch in Banks
The HSBC banking and financial staff, in New York, have been using Samsung S3 smartwatches to enhance their customer service.
Dr. Smith of University of Missouri: Awarded Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry is not just handed out to anybody. It takes time, effort, and some real researching skills.
Google and Samsung Join Forces on RCS Messaging for Android
Samsung and Google announced they are working together to create a better smartphone RCS messaging experience.
Samsung Uses Contest to Encourage Youth Education
This contest helps young people in school see problems in their communities and make solutions for them.