Fall is starting today. Now, we get to enjoy cooler temperatures, wear fall colors, and enjoy the wide range of colors on the leaves. Here are five things to do to welcome fall.
Currently browsing "Outdoor Living".
2 Ways To Start A Campfire, With Hints On Creating A Spark, While Camping Trip
Now is a perfect time to start seeing the beautiful array of colors on a camping or river trip. When you’re camping, especially overnight, you’re going to need a fire.
When Are The Missouri Deer Seasons For Archery And Firearm?
Hunters look forward to the rut while motorists dread the deer crossing the roadways at night. When is deer season?
Black Walnuts- Why Do We Have A Festival? What Do You Know?
Black walnuts are healthy, nutritious, and flavorful. They are native to this area, and ripen on trees from September through November.
Changes To Deer Season Rules Add Adaptivity For Everyone
Oregon County has changes to encourage deer hunting. The MDC is trying to lower the deer population by decreasing the female population.
9 Basic Things You Need In A Small Survival Kit While Out In The Wilderness
You can pack a small survival kit in something like an Altoids tin. You can put everything that you need to survive for a short time in a small kit.
Springfield MDC Hosts Insect-O-Rama This Friday-FREE
The Missouri Department of Conservation is hosting an in-person event centered around insects on this Friday, August 11, 2023.
Eclipse Expo Showed Many Eclipse Ideas For All Ages
Missouri Eclipse hosted an eclipse expo Friday and Saturday. Missouri tourism and SEMO joined to promote the upcoming eclipse.
Missouri Solar Eclipse Expo Going On Right Now Until 5 PM
The Missouri Solar Eclipse Expo is going on right now until 5 pm tonight, July 22, 2023, in Cape Girardeau. There are different vendors and speakers lined up for this afternoon.
Don’t Guess If Your New Tree Is Getting Enough Water
Trees need considerably more water in the summer heat with winds blowing than in cooler climes or non-windy climates.
Residents Can Fish For Free This Weekend- June 10-11, 2023
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) wants to encourage residents to enjoy the outdoors by having a free fishing weekend.
Today Is National Strawbery Picking Day- May 20
May 20 is a national holiday encouraging people to go out to strawberry fields and pick ripe, red strawberries.,