A clean and clear home helps the mind to relax after the stresses of the day. A little bit of effort goes a long way to cleanliness.
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Blueberry Crop Lower This Year? Try Pruning!
While weeding, fertilizing, and watering do bring great results. To get more, even larger blueberries, try pruning.
Using Cilantro Can Protect Your Garden From Wildlife
Taking extra time to plant certain things strategically located can help deter wildlife. Rosemary can keep away rabbits.
How To Make Your Own Cookbook At Home
Do you want to have a cookbook with all your favorite recipes or do you want a project to keep you busy all summer? Here’s how to make you own cookbook at home.
Too Many Cucumbers? Try This Face Mask
The garden begins to yield, sometimes more than expected. Some are not made for freezing or canning. Cucumbers are one of those plants.
Here Are 8 Deals To Take Advantage Of On French Fry-Day Today
Today, July 12, 2024, is National French Fry-Day. In honor of Fry-Day, multiple fast-food chains are having French fry deals today.
Walnut Festival Looking For Demonstration Vendors
One suggestion was to offer demonstrations of various crafts. The chamber seeks craftsmen to demonstrate what they do during the festival.
Poll Results From Alton’s Independence Day Celebration
Alton, Mo, held its 4th of July celebration on July 3, 2024. The AltonMo.com team had the chance to interview locals and give out goodie bags while at the fireworks.
What Gardening Should You Do In July?
While major planting is not thought of in July, the gardening mind is still active. Here are a few activities to feed that gardening spirit.
Thayer 2024 Independence Day Poll Results Are In!
Thayer, Mo, held its 4th of July celebration on July 4, 2024. The AltonMo.com field team had the opportunity to interview the locals with history-themed questions.
Best In Small Town Rankings- Alton!
Recently, World Atlas posted an article about the best small towns in Missouri. Alton, Missouri, has a small-town charm.
Thomasville’s Independence Day Celebration A Big Success
Thomasville, Missouri, had its Independence Day celebration on July 6, 2024. They had food vendors, raffles, a rodeo, fireworks, and more!