Becca’s Closet of the Ozarks is now open and supplying dresses to high school age girls in the local and surrounding areas.
Currently browsing "Personal".
March Is Nutrition Month: 5 Tips To Help You Create A Healthy Lifestyle
March is National Nutrition Month. Maybe you have heard it said about the food you eat and nutrition that it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.
Don’t Forget To Change Your Clocks Tonight
Tomorrow, Sunday, March 9, 2025, Daylight Savings Time begins. For Daylight Savings Time, move your clocks forward one hour.
Red Strawberries- Available, Tasty And So Healthy
We see the red strawberries in the produce selection at the grocery store—bright, red, sweet. They are healthy and very nutritious!
How to Overcome a Lack of Motivation in Your Life
One day we’re motivated and the next day we’re in the dumps having ourselves a pity party. Staying motivated is not easy. If it were, everybody would do it. But, it can be done.
Valentine Trivia- Why Do You Bend The Knee To Propose?
Kneeling showed respect or reverence. This may have originated in the Persian Empire when proper greetings depended on societal rank.
Choosing the Best Coffee Flavor for Your Mood
Coffee is a beverage that tastes great just like it is, but you can take it from great to excellent just by adding your favorite flavoring.
Garlic Plays an Important Role in Benefiting Your Immune System
Garlic is a very important herb because it has many health benefits, especially when it comes to your immune system.
Part 2: A Dozen Ways to Successfully Deal with Stress
Stress is what happens when you have so much to deal with emotionally or physically, and the burdens overwhelm you.
A Dozen Ways to Successfully Deal with Stress Part 1
Stress is what happens when you have so much to deal with emotionally or physically, and the burdens overwhelm you.
Alton First Baptist Church Is Open Again As A Warming Station
Alton First Baptist is open again as an emergency warming station. Although this is in Alton, anyone from the county is encouraged to come out of the cold and spend the night here.
The Benefits of Exercise Go Beyond Weight Loss
Whether you want to lose a few or a hundred pounds, you must understand that the benefits of exercise go way beyond weight loss and cosmetic enhancement.