Representative Smith sent a news release condemning the impeachment process by the Senate.
Currently browsing "Government".
Federal Officers Who Violate Second Amendment Will Be Arrested
The Newton County commission passed a bill that blocks federal enforcement of unconstitutional gun policies.
Senator Hawley Introduces Amendment To Move Funds To Family
On Thursday, February 4, 2021, Senator Josh Hawley introduced an amendment to Congress proposed budget resolution.
Homeschoolers- Are You Ready For TeenPact Missouri– Here’s What You Need To Know
TeenPact Missouri is going to be held from Monday, March 1, 2021, to Friday, March 5, 2021, in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Newly Elected Missouri Officials Inaugurated On January 11, 2021
Last year was an election year and multiple of our government officials got reelected. Missouri’s inauguration was on January 11, 2021.
Local Representative Jason Smith Announces “He Will Object”
Representative Jason Smith drafted a press release with other Republican representatives announcing their plan on objecting.
President Trump Honors God At National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
On December 3, 2020, Pre4sident Trump spoke at the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony.
Governor Parson Closes Offices On Christmas Eve
Governor Parson signed an executive order that closes all state offices on Christmas Eve.
History Of The Attack On Pearl Harbor On December 7, 1941
It was December 7, 1941, at 8:00 a.m. (Hawaii time zone) when the Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor because an American naval base was located there.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed To U.S. Supreme Court By Senate
Trump gave reasons for the appointment- “Justice Barrett has made clear she will issue rulings based solely upon a faithful reading of the Constitution.”
Oregon County Spends $1.2 million in Cares Act Funds
Oregon county is following the government guidelines to use the funds for the best and highest purposes..
Congressman Smith Fights For Southern Missouri Values
Congressman Jason Smith reported on what’s he’s getting done locally and in Washington, DC.