The Mercury missions were to see if people could survive in space, the Gemini missions were the testbed for technology that…
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CDC Guidelines For Reopening Schools- Say They Didn’t Close Schools
The Center For Disease Control (CDC) posts guidelines for schools. Includes are 6-foot desk spacing, no playgrounds, everyone wears masks all day.
Survey Of The American Founding: Declaration of Independence
England left the American Colonies pretty much to themselves, but then, England began asserting herself.
Trump’s Speaks On Merits of Patriotism At Mount Rushmore On July 4th
On Independence Day, 2020, President Trump celebrated the nation’s birthday with Americans from all over the country.
The Declaration of Independence
It becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.
Governor Parson Announces Missouri Fully Reopening
On June 11, 2020, Governor Parson announced that Missouri will fully reopen and enter phase 2 on Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Armed Forces Day May 16
In honor of our armed forces, the United States and some others celebrate Armed Forces Day which is May 16, 2020.
Partial Driver Testing Is Resumed
On Monday, May 4, 2020, the Missouri State highway announced that drivers testing will partially resume.
First Phase Of Recovery Announced By Governor Parson
At Monday’s press release, Governor Parson announced the first phase of his “Show Me Strong Recovery” plan.
Gov Parson Extends Stay at Home Order (COVID-19)
Governor Mike Parson has extended the statewide “Stay Home Missouri” Order through May 3, 2020. To read more about the statewide…
Governor Parson Fights COVID-19: Issues a Stay at Home Order
Governor Michael Parson just ordered everyone in Missouri to stay at home as much as possible.
Governor Parson Signs Executive Order 20-02
Governor Mike Parson signed Executive Order 20-02 declaring a state of emergency in Missouri in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19).