Although he brought up various topics during his speech, one seems to be stuck in everyone’s head.
Currently browsing "Government".
President Trump Expected to Sign Bill to Avoid Another Government Shutdown
In December the United States experienced a partial government shutdown due to President Trump wanting funds for his border wall.
California Governor Removing National Guard From Border
California Governor Gavin Newsom reportedly will be pulling over 300 National Guard members from the Mexico border this coming week.
Missouri Governor Parson Comments on State of the Union Address
After President Trump gave his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, Missouri Governor Parson shared that he was pleased to hear what our President had to say.
President Trump Makes SOTU Speech- Thawing Ice Between Parties
President finally managed to deliver his State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.
What you Need to Know About 2019’s SOTU Address
The State of the Union address was originally scheduled for January 29th but the speech was delayed.
Russia Plans to Withdraws From Treaty After U.S. Does Same
On February first U.S. President, Donald Trump, accused Moscow of violating the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty.
DeSantis Signs Executive Order Removing Common Core From Schools
Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis announced that he wants to replace the Common Core school program with a new, state-designed education standard.
Missouri’s First Ever Show Me Challenge Competition Closes Round One
On Monday Missouri employees pitched some ideas to make Missouri better in a “Shark Tank” scenario type of way.
Governor Parson Opens Third “The Missouri Way’ Training Program
On January 29th Missouri Governor, Mike Parson, opened the third “The Missouri Way” management training program with a speech to over 200 attendees.
State of the Union Address Not Happening January 29th
Shortly after her swearing-in, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to the President, inviting him to deliver the annual State of the Union address later in January.
Another Government Shutdown Happening on February 15th
On December 22nd President Trump shut down the government. Over a month later President Trump finally signed a bill that reopened the government.