The second food bank of the month is happening on February 2nd and 3rd of 2022 at the Alton, Missouri, Community Center. Any help is appreciated.
Currently browsing "Charity".
National School Choice Week Highlights Best Education For Each Child
National School Choice Week is a time for parents and educators to evaluate each child and decide what is best for each child, individually not as a group.
Homeschoolers- Enter Now In Art Contest For Prize Money
Each year HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) plans four contests open to all home schooled individuals aged 7-19.
Homeschoolers Welcome To Help At Local Food Bank
The Alton, Missouri, food bank is held every month on the first Wednesday and the next day. This month it is being held on January 5, and 6, 2022.
Haiti Mennonite And Amish Missionary Captives Escaped
Back on October 16, 2021, sixteen U.S. citizens along with one Canadian individual were kidnapped.
Homeschoolers- Do You Have Time To Volunteer Once A Month?
Volunteers are wanted for the Alton Food Bank. This is where home schooled kids can step up.
What About Caroling- Do you Go Sing Cheer To Others?
Another way to make people smile is through singing. Put them together and the recipient can’t help but smile.
Food Bank Semi-Truck Gets Unloaded For December 2nd Handout
Local citizens helped to unload the food bank truck on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at the Alton, Missouri, Community Center.
Help The Community By Ringing The Salvation Army Bell
Alton and Thayer, Missouri, are going to ring the Salvation Army Bell again this year. All you have to do is volunteer to ring the bell.
The Alton First Baptist Church Packs Christmas Shoe Boxes
The Alton First Baptist Church packed Christmas shoe boxes on Sunday, November 7, 2021.
President Roosevelt Sent Up A Poignant Prayer On D-Day, 1944
President Roosevelt took the time on a radio broadcast to pray for the men fighting overseas. This prayer was said on June 5, 1944.
Mistletoe Magic Is Scheduled For Thayer
Mistletoe Magic kicks off seasonal shopping from local vendors, preparing shoppers for Thanksgiving and Christmas.