School is starting soon and football is too. The Thayer Bobcats football schedule is out for 2021.
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Missouri Ice Cream And Celebrations For 200 Years
Missouri is now 200 years old. Alton, Thomasville, and Thayer, Missouri, held ice cream socials.
Thayer Parent Teacher Organiziation Is Having An Ice Cream Social
The Thayer Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is having an ice cream social on August 10, 2021, at the Thayer Elementary Cafeteria.
Enjoy The Whitten Access On The Eleven Point River As You Go Visit It
The Eleven Point River is a widely known river in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. It has many accesses to it. One of them is the Whitten Access.
Keep Your Dog Cool In The Summer- 5 Ways To Cool Them
If you have a dog, you don’t want them getting heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Here are five simple ways to keep your doggo cool this summer.
Get Fit With Your Dog! AKC Fit Dog Challenge Is For You
The American Kennel Club (AKC) has an AKC Fit Dog Challenge for you and your pup. You just have to walk 30 minutes a day, for 5 days, and for 3 months!
Shilo Baptist Church Is Holding VBS From July 18 To 22
Shilo Baptist Church is holding a Big Fish Bay Vacation Bible School from Sunday, July 18, 2021, to Thursday, July 22, 2021, from 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm.
The 4th Of July Festivities For Alton, Mo. Brought Out The American Spirit
Alton, Mo. held their 4th of July festivities on July 3, 2021, at Piney Creek Park. They had food vendors, bouncy houses, water slides, and the fireworks.
Representative Smith Is Busy Casting Votes In Washington DC
In Washington DC, Representative Smith is busy casting votes to protect Missourians and their money.
Fireworks In The Area: Thayer, Thomasville, And Caulfield, Missouri
The 4th of July is coming up and everyone is looking forward to the festivities. Here are the plans for July 4th at Thayer, Thomasville, and Caulfield, Mo.
CBO Is Holding “Chitty, The Flying Car Ballet” For Two Weekends
Children’s Ballet of the Ozarks is once again holding a ballet for all ages- “Chitty, The Flying Car Ballet.” The ballet will be on June 11, 12, 18, and 19.
The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus Is Coming To Alton, Mo On June 8th
The Culpepper & Merriweather Circus is once again coming to Piney Creek Park, in Alton, Missouri, on Tuesday, June 8, 2021.