St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is having Touchdowns Against Cancer in September.
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Four Republican Senators Write Letter Criticizing Facebook Over Censorship of Pro-Life Content
On September 11, four U.S. Republican senators sent a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, criticizing the social media bias against certain conservative views.
President Trump Remarks on the 9/11 Attacks at Pentagon Observance Ceremony
Today, on September 11, we take a moment to remember the people that died in the 9/11 attacks from 2001.
Annual Hunters’ Meal Hosted By BB Road Fire Department This November
The BB road fire department will be hosting a ham and bean chili supper on November 16, 2019.
Google Photos now Allows Users to Search for Text in Photos
There’s only one reason that phone’s continue to come out with newer, better cameras and more storage than ever before.
Planned Parenthood Leaves Title X Over Abortion “Gag Rule”
On August 19 Planned Parenthood stated that they would be withdrawing from the federal funding program Title X.
Alton, Missouri Chamber of Commerce Discuss Black Gold Walnut Festival Plans
Members of the Alton Chamber of Commerce met to discuss the Walnut Festival.
Alton Senior Center Hosting Car Show and Fish Fry Open to Public
On Saturday, August 10, the Alton Senior Center will be hosting its second annual car show and fish fry.
Missouri Thayer Elementary School Holds Back to School Fair
On Thursday, August 1, 2019 a back to school fair was held at the Thayer Elementary School. It was held between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church Holds VBS for Kids K-12th Grade
Summer is in full swing, school is out, the pool is open, and you can sleep in until noon (if you don’t have any responsibilities).
Missouri Governor Signs law Pushing Back School Start Date
August is when everyone starts thinking about school again, it’s been a long summer and September, along with a new school year, are arriving quickly.
2019 Heart Of The Ozarks Fair Schedule & Prices
The Heart of the Ozarks Fair will kick off on Monday, July 15 and continue until July 20, offering rides and entertainment for all ages.