There’s nothing quite like sitting down to watch a two-hour movie and have it last for four hours solely because of commercials.
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Arkansas and Utah Working to Pass 18-Week Abortion Ban
A controversial topic in today’s society is abortion. How late in pregnancy should you be allowed to have an abortion?
Top 6 Colleges and Universities Located in Missouri
After graduating from high school, many students come to a crossroad in their life. Whether or not to further their education.
YouTube Begins to Demonetize Anti-Vax Videos
Anti-vax propaganda is still making headlines, with over 120 cases of measles reported since the beginning of 2019 alone.
Planned Parenthood Loses Funding With President Trump’s New Rule
The Trump administration came up with a new rule that will partially defund Planned Parenthood and other health services that offer abortion.
Think Outside the Box- Get a Heart Shaped Pizza For Valentines day
A week after Christmas and boxes of heart-shaped chocolate stacked higher than you can reach start flooding every store in the country.
Family Tree DNA Testing Company Agreed to Work With FBI
Family Tree DNA, a large private company many people use to trace their ancestry, has recently agreed to work with the FBI.
How to get rid of Your Bad Mood in 5 Minutes
For some, Winter is the best season, filled with cold weather, snow, cloudy days, and fuzzy mittens. For others? Not so much.
5 Foods High in Vitamin C to Keep you Healthy This Winter
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin to consume, between keeping your immune system healthy, improving your skin, and speeding up the healing process, you need to make sure you eat enough of it daily.
Merry 12th Day of Christmas To You and Yours!
Christmas Day is generally considered the first day of Christmas and counting off until you reach the 12th day of Christmas which is today, January 5.
7 Ways to cut Back on Trash This Holiday Season
Studies show that Americans throw away 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Years than they do the rest of the year.
Nebraska Principal of Elementary School Plays Grinch, Bans Christmas
Every year, about this time, there is a new story of someone who just can’t abide the American tradition and holiday called Christmas. Never mind, it’s been practiced for over 200 years.