Alton, Mo. – Oregon County Farmers Market will hold a farmer’s meeting. This is to kick off the 2020 season of gardening. Details About This Meeting On Saturday, January 25, 2020, the Alton Community Worship Center will host residents and interested parties concerned about the upcoming farmers market season. The meeting begins at 2:00 p.m. […]
Currently browsing "Farming".
Nothing Simpler Than John Deere’s New Precision Technology
John Deere bring about updates for its precision technology this fall. With technology ever changing and advancements in agriculture happening daily John Deere knows how to handle the future.
Alton Walnut Festival Holds Second to Last Last Farmers Market of 2019
At the 2019 Walnut Festival in Alton, Missouri, the local Farmers Market met for the last time this year.
Century Old Farms Honored In Alton, Missouri at Festival
Right around the noon hour, the Walnut Festival honored century-old farms that were in Oregon County.
John Deere Announces New Attachments For Tractors
John Deere recently released some new equipment for utility tractors. They now offer two new loader attachments and two rear implements for its Frontier equipment line.
2019 Heart Of The Ozarks Fair Schedule & Prices
The Heart of the Ozarks Fair will kick off on Monday, July 15 and continue until July 20, offering rides and entertainment for all ages.
Oregon County Farmers Market June 29, 2019 Provides Down Home Goodness
Do you enjoy eating fresh fruit? Then the farmers market is for you. The farmers market is held every Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm Apr through Oct.
The Man Behind the New Oregon County Auction House
A lot of new construction is going on around the town of Alton, and an auction house is one of them.
Rain Causes Mississippi River to Rise to Highest Levels in 92 Years
Spring in Missouri this year has been exceptionally wet, and those located near streams and rivers can attest to that.
Feral Hogs are Taking Over Southern Missouri
Lately the feral hog population has been skyrocketing throughout the state of Missouri causing farmers to quit planting their fields.
President Trump Says U.S. Will Buy Farmers Products if China Doesn’t
For a while now the China and United States trade war has been going on and although it doesn’t look close to ending any time soon, Trump has some ideas.
Alton Missouri Farmers Market Now Open
Once again it’s spring. A sure sign of spring is the beginning of the local Farmer’s Market. Although it has been a seemingly cool spring, farmers are still growing items.