A variety of items were sold at the Oregon County Farmer’s Market on June 11, 2022, including baked goods, pillows, books, and vegetables.
Currently browsing "Food".
Seniors: Here Is The Schedule To Get Your Farmers Market Vouchers
The State of Missouri Department of Agriculture and SeniorAge has brought seniors the 2022 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program.
Donut Forget! Get Your Deals On National Donut Day Today
Everyone loves ’em, no one hates ’em. Today, June 3, 2022, is National Donut Day. Different fast-food places are having sales just for today.
Senior Center Meals And Activities For June Of 2022- Come Them Out
Another month is upon us: June of 2022. That means a new menu and new activities happening at the Alton, Missouri, Senior Center.
Watch: New AltonMo.com Review Of May And Preview Of June 2022
The month of May has come to a close and June is right upon us. In case you missed it, here’s a review and preview of May and June.
Memorial Day- Most Beef Consumed On This Day In The United States
Memorial Day is just around the corner. But did you know, that on Memorial Day more beef is consumed than any other day in the United States?
Picnic In The Parking Lot Happening May 31st At Alton Senior Center!
The Alton, Mo, Senior Center is having a Picnic in the Parking Lot on May 31, 2022, from 11 am-1 pm. Food and booths will be available.
Tomorrow- May 20- Is National Pick Strawberries Day
They seem to be one of the first fruits that ripen. Friday, May 20 is celebrated for that: picking strawberries!
BB Road Fire Department Having Annual Fish Fry- Public Invited
The BB Road Volunteer Fire Department(VFD) and Community Center is having a fish fry. The public is invited.
Mo Conservation Warns Residents It’s Time To Be Bear Aware
The spring is officially here, and these mammals are leaving their winter dens in search of food. Missourians need to “Be Bear Aware.”
Watch Out! The Walmart Produce Section No Longer Carries Clear Bags
No clear bags are provided for itemized fruit and vegetables. For my handpicked oranges, tomatoes, or peppers, nothing.
The Food Pantry Is Happening Today At 9 AM- Come Out And Help
The Alton, Missouri, food pantry unloading is happening today at 9:00 am. The actual food pantry will be May 5, 2022, starting at 7:30 am.