Winter weather often brings dryness. Even if it rains outdoors, the inside climate is quite dry. Homes with wood burning fireplaces add to the dryness.
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Homeschoolers Welcome To Help At Local Food Bank
The Alton, Missouri, food bank is held every month on the first Wednesday and the next day. This month it is being held on January 5, and 6, 2022.
Three Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? In 2020 approximately 74% of Americans made New Year resolutions.
Delicious Snickerdoodle Cookie Recipe For The Holidays
Snickerdoodle cookies are one of those must-haves at Christmas-time. Here is the recipe for the delicious cookies from Modern Honey.
Fruitcake? The History Behind The Holiday Food
What is a fruitcake? Who eats it? Why do we give it at Christmastime? Where did it come from? did some searching and this is what we found.
Ham Or Turkey: Which Do You Have For Christmas Dinner?
We all have our standard Christmas meal. The main two are turkey and ham. In a recent poll, the main vote was for ham.
Christmas Cookie Recipe For Yummy Sugar Cookies
In a recent poll (from Alton, Mo., Christmas parade) on what people’s favorite cookie is, it was sugar cookies. Here’s the recipe for it.
Christmas Movie And Song: What Is Your Favorite?
The team polled people at the Alton, Missouri, Christmas parade, on what their favorite Christmas movie and song is.
Why Do We Have Gingerbread Houses At Christmas?
Some families have the traditional gingerbread house. But where did this idea come from?
Do You Have A Favorite Christmas Cookie? Here’s Alton’s Favorite Cookie
Around Christmas, you make all the cookies imaginable. The team polled Alton residents on what their favorite Christmas cookie was.
Alton, Missouri’s Annual Christmas Parade Brings A Big Turnout
Alton, Missouri, had their Christmas parade on Saturday, December 4, 2021, at 6:00 pm. Stores stayed open later than usual for Christmas In Our Town.
Homeschoolers- Do You Have Time To Volunteer Once A Month?
Volunteers are wanted for the Alton Food Bank. This is where home schooled kids can step up.