The Oregon County Farmers Market is once again opened for the summer. At the market you’ll find produce, baked goods, and crafty items.
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Have You Ever Wondered What Cholesterol Is? Find Out Now
We hear a lot about cholesterol. Have you ever wondered what it is? Cholesterol is a component of fat that helps make vitamins and hormones.
Missouri Allows Bear Hunting Season This Year
After taking resident surveys, the (MDC) has finalized the dates and directions for the new bear season.
Senior Center Reopening At Gradual Pace To Protect Elderly
The Alton Senior Center is now offering weekly hot meals to go. Seniors over 60 are welcome to pick up a frozen meal.
Thayer Senior Center Offers Additional Meals Through April
Thayer Senior Center is trying to meet the needs of its seniors while protecting them. They offer weekly hot meals to go.
MDC Twin Pines Reopening With A Bang On April 17
The Missouri Department Of Conservation (MDC) announced the reopening of the Twin Pines Conservation Education Center.
Corned Beef And Cabbage Recipe For St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is March 17, 2021. A favorite meal for St. Patrick’s Day is corned beef and cabbage. Here is the recipe for corned beef and cabbage.
Local Senior Centers Now Offering Hot Meals
After a long closure, the seniors are welcome back to the Thayer and Alton Senior Centers for HOT Meals.
Alton Senior Center Offering Valentines To The Elderly
Although the center is closed to protect our elderly, the center wants to make sure these elderly know they are loved and missed.
Couch PTO Planning Upcoming Dinner And Auction
The Couch PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is hosting a donation dinner and silent auction on Friday, February 5, 2021.
Top Names Opting Out Of Superbowl Advertising
It’s a new year now and why should changes surprise us? For the Superbowl and it’s famous commercials. Budweiser is opting out.
3 Cookie Recipes For National Bake A Cookie Day On December 18
Christmas is almost here and a fun way to celebrate Christmas is to make cookies! Here are three fun and easy cookie recipes.