If you ever wanted to buy you own personal ambulance, now is the time. The District is selling three of their vehicles.
Currently browsing "Health".
Statistics For Oregon County, Missouri And Covid Vaccinations
Numbers are coming in and many Missourians are not convinced that the vaccine keeps one from contracting this disease.
Fall Gardening Ideas- Now Is The Time To Plan
One needs to begin planning a fall garden. planting now in August means a possible harvest by Thanksgiving.
What Is The Nuremberg Code And Why Does It Matter?
The Nuremberg Code is in the news recently. Why? What does something that far back in history have to do with today? Lots!
How To Continue Dieting Through Summer Into Fall
Perhaps a couple days (weeks?) off the diet… Here are some ideas to keep you on track maintaining and even losing that weight.
Another Blood Drive Scheduled To Help Those In Need
The American Red Cross is in need of blood. If you are eligible, please come out to Thayer to donate.
School Board Votes- Students Must Wear Masks For 2021-22 School Year
The Alton School Board met on Thursday, August 12, 2021, at the Alton High School Library. One of the topics discussed was wearing masks.
APWU Is Not Requiring COVID-19 Vaccinations While Walmart Is
APWU said that they do not think the government should mandate vaccines. In contrast to them, Walmart is requiring all store managers to get the vaccine.
Fauci Slams Missourians For Alledged Low Vaccination Rates
While an Arizona doctor is claiming the COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous,, Dr. Fauci blames a rise on Missouri’s low vaccine rate.
What To Eat In Space- Do You Have A Suggestion?
The Deep Space Food Challenge is looking for menu ideas for those in space. Astronauts usually eat freeze dried food.
Deadly & Permanent Side Effects Of COVID-19 Vaccine “Rare”— No Recall Scheduled
Vaccine safety? They’re untested. If that was said about food recalls- “The deadly food poisoning only affects a small percentage,” that wouldn’t fly.
Summer Gardening Means Harvesting- How To Tell When To Pick
Are there vegetables in your garden ready to be picked? How can you tell? Burpee gives easy tips to tell what is ripe.