During the Christmas season, we think of giving to others and especially to those in need.
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Vitamin D Fights A Number Of Diseases
Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin” because your skin produces it as you get sunshine.
Tender Mercies Of Covid-19 Warriors
The facts need to be public about COVID-19 and a medical panel is trying to make the facts known.
Blood Drive In Alton
Many blood drives across the country were canceled and the Red Cross is asking available persons to donate.
Anticipate Colder Weather By Getting Your Vehicle Ready
Cooler weather is approaching and with it, the demand to winterize our vehicles. Here are several items to check.
Blood Drive Needs Volunteers ASAP In Thayer
The American Red Cross will host a Blood Drive on Thursday, October 29th. They are asking for blood as the supply is low due to coronavirus concerns.
Insane Gainz Moves To Better Its Customers
The exercise business, Insane Gainz, has moved to Old Street. This is an excellent workout gym run locally.
Trump Signs Executive Order Protecting Babies After Failed Abortions
On Wednesday, September 23, 2020, Trump announced that he would sign an executive order.
Time For Flu Vaccinations In Oregon County
Flu vaccines will be administered by the Oregon County Health Department at the Alton Senior Center.
CDC- Deaths Caused Exclusively By COVID-19 Is 6% Of COVID-Related Fatalities
The CDC “Weekly Update” webpage showed that 94% of deaths with COVID-19 listed on the death certificate had other illnesses or conditions also listed.
Percentage of Parents Deciding To Homeschool Explodes Due To Uncertainty
A growing number of parents are taking the education of the children in their own hands.
How Far Is 6 Feet—Doors, Horses, Footballs, Dogs— Know The Distance
With the coronavirus going on, the Central Disease Center suggests social distancing which is 6-feet. Here are some examples of things that are six-feet.