Alton Chamber of Commerce has joined with the city council to approve an evening of trunk or treating on the square.
Currently browsing "Holidays".
First Baptist Ask For Help Filling Christmas Shoe Boxes
Alton First Baptist Church is working diligently to fill Christmas shoe boxes. The church is enlisting the public for assistance
Chamber Discusses Walnut Festival, Trunk or Treat, Christmas
The Alton Chamber of Commerce met to review the Walnut Festival, as well as plan a trunk or treat and the Christmas parade.
Delivery Services Looking Ahead To The Holidays
October is traditionally the beginning of the holiday season. Cooler weather makes one think about the upcoming holidays.
Columbus Day Has Closings For Government Offices
Monday, October 10, 2022, is Columbus Day. In the United States, we honor the day in remembrance of Christopher Columbus.
Time To Remember The Tragedy And Heroes Of 911
By hijacking planes, terrorists flew them into our World Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and a thwarted attempt into a field in Pennsylvania.
Video: Overview Of The 2022 Oregon County Fourth Of July Fireworks
While the Fourth of July happened over a month ago, it is always good to remember our nation’s independence and the fun we have at the event.
Individual Oregon County City Citizen Poll Results From 4th Of July Festivities
Citizens of Oregon County were polled by the field team on United States history at the 2022 Fourth of July celebrations.
Representative Smith Compares Costs From Now To A Year Ago
Representative Jason Smith is working hard in Washington DC to thwart the leftist agenda of raising our taxes,
Thayer Does Not Disappoint For Their Fourth Of July Festivities
Thayer, Mo, had their Fourth of July festivities on July 4, 2022. Skydivers and the Air Evac helicopter came. Vendors were also there.
Thomasville 4th Of July Celebration Brings Crowds To Rodeo And Fireworks
Thomasville, Mo, had their 4th of July celebration on July 2, 2022. There was an ice cream parlor, gift shop, vendors, and the rodeo.
Thayer’s Fireworks Celebration Happening Tonight At The Football Field
Thayer is planning another huge celebration of our country’s birthday tonight. The Thayer High School field opens at 5pm.