It’s the time of year when we celebrate our nation’s birthday. How does this date come to be considered a birthday?
Currently browsing "Holidays".
Favorite Foods Eaten When Celebrating The Fourth of July
We are just a few days away from the Fourth of July. Family, a national holiday, and food make this the perfect time for celebrating.
Thomasville Is Holding Fireworks Festivities Saturday, July 2
Thomasville Community Center is celebrating Independence Day on Saturday, July 2. The public is invited. This evening will also have a rodeo.
Faith Tabernacle’s Hosting Fourth Of July Festivities
Faith Tabernacle in Rover is having a 4th of July celebration. They are inviting everyone to stop by for food, faith, and fireworks.
Celebrate Independence Day! Alton Fourth Of July Celebrations Are Set For July 1st
Alton, Missouri, has their Fourth of July celebrations planned. Their celebrations will happen on Friday, July 1, 2022.
Memorial Day- Most Beef Consumed On This Day In The United States
Memorial Day is just around the corner. But did you know, that on Memorial Day more beef is consumed than any other day in the United States?
Want A Booth At The Alton Fireworks- Call City Hall Now
The annual Alton fireworks display is scheduled for Friday, July 1, 2022. The Alton City Hall is looking for vendors.
Make Your Mom Smile On Mother’s Day 2022
This year, we celebrate it on Sunday, May 8. Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate mothers and motherhood.
Byrd Freewill Baptist Church Hosts Successful Easter Egg Hunt
On Saturday, April 16, 2022, Byrd Freewill Baptist Church held an Easter egg hunt at the Couch School playground.
Arise Early For The Local Easter Sunrise Service
Easter is a special time of year. The churches are getting together for their annual sunrise service. Everyone is invited,
Alton First Baptist Church Hosting an Easter Egg Hunt- Public Invited
The Alton, Missouri, First Baptist Church is holding an Easter egg hunt with fellowship on Sunday, April 17, 2022. Everyone is welcome!
7 Fun Activities You Can Do To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is here again on March 17th. You may be at a loss of what to do- here are 7 activities you can do to make St. Patrick’s Day come alive.