Another way to make people smile is through singing. Put them together and the recipient can’t help but smile.
Currently browsing "Holidays".
It’s Officially Christmas Season- Do You Have A Favorite Cookie?
Overall, the most popular Christmas cookie in America is peanut butter blossoms. Six of our fifty states have this as a top cookie.
Area Christmas Parades Happening Along With Alton’s
Christmas parades are happening around the area, along with Alton, Missouri’s. The parade’s are taking place on December 4th and 11th, 2021.
Christmas Is Coming- Have You Watched These Movies?
While it gets darker earlier, this is a fine time to take advantage of family favorite Christmas movies.
Don’t Forget Your Dog This Christmas- Sales Are On Right Now!
Christmas is coming. We’re counting the days, itemizing gifts. But what about your best friend, the one who never fails? Your dog.
Missouri’s Governor Mansion Getting Its Christmas Trees
The 2021 Missouri Governor’s Mansion Christmas trees arrived on Monday, November 29, 2021.
Help The Community By Ringing The Salvation Army Bell
Alton and Thayer, Missouri, are going to ring the Salvation Army Bell again this year. All you have to do is volunteer to ring the bell.
5 Different Sides You Can Have With Your Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving is just three days away and you may be thinking, “I want a different side to go with the traditional Thanksgiving meal.” Here’s some options.
Gallery: Thomasville Christmas Bazaar Is Here For Christmas Shopping
The Thomasville Christmas Bazaar was held on November 20, 2021, between 8:00 am-2:00 pm at the Thomasville Community Center.
Christmas Parade And Night On The Town Is Set For December 4th
The Alton Area Chamber of Commerce met on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at Jason’s Mexican Restaurant to talk about the upcoming Christmas events.
Thomasville Christmas Bazaar Coming Right Up On November 20th
The Friends of the Thomasville Community Center are once again holding their annual Christmas bazaar on November 20, 2021, between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm.
St. Paul Lutheran Church Chili And Christmas Craft Sale In West Plains
Last weekend the St. Paul Lutheran Church in West Plains held a chili and Christmas craft sale.