The new restaurant in town, Jason’s Mexican Restaurant, is looking for waiters and waitresses. You can apply for the job at the restaurant.
Currently browsing "Jobs".
MO Legislators Working On Bill Protecting Businesses From Covid Lawsuits
On February 23, 2021, the Missouri Senate passed a bill with its amendments that aims to stop lawsuits on businesses.
Mike Kehoe Speaks With TeenPact And Discusses Role Of Government
Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe gave a talk to a group of Teenpacters on March 2, 2021.
Oregon County Spends $1.2 million in Cares Act Funds
Oregon county is following the government guidelines to use the funds for the best and highest purposes..
Congressman Smith Fights For Southern Missouri Values
Congressman Jason Smith reported on what’s he’s getting done locally and in Washington, DC.
Should Community Service Be A Requirement For High School Graduation?
Some schools require students to put a certain amount of hours in community service before they can graduate.
Windows “No Network” Bug Frustrates Users Internet Experience Yet Again
How many people are traumatized by their personal computer every year? How they undergo physical duress because of Windows?
MDC Taking Applications For 2021 Conservation Agent Training Academy
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is taking applications for the next agent training academy in 2021.
Kevin Jotz: Lists Sheriff Office Duties— Will Establish Substations In County
Kevin Jotz, who is running for Oregon County Sheriff, answered a few questions concerning him and what he would do if he got elected as sheriff.
Candidates Vie For Representative Pogue’s Seat in 2020
Representative Pogue ran and won overwhelmingly the last three terms for Missouri State Representative.
An Additional Two Candidates Running For Governor
Missouri has two more individuals running for governor, besides Republican and Democrate.
Missouri Republican Line Up For Governor’s Office
Primary elections are just around the corner on August 4, 2020, preceding the November general elections.