The Thayer Bobcats did manage to hold a lead at the end of the fourth quarter against the St. Vincent Indians to pull out a win.
Currently browsing "Schools".
Thayer Bobcats 2023-2024 High School Volleyball Schedule
The Thayer, Missouri, Bobcats volleyball schedule is out. Their first game is on August 28, 2023. Get ready to cheer them on!
Thayer Bobcats 2023-2024 Football Schedule Is Here
The Thayer, Missouri, Bobcats are gearing up for their home opener on August 25, 2023, in Thayer.
Upcoming Canning Workshop- Limited Spaces
The Oregon County Extension Office is hosting a Water Bath Canning Workshop. In this workshop, Stephanie Johnson will teach the basics.
All Louisiana Schools Required To Post ‘In God We Trust’
Louisiana passed a law that has a new requirement for each of the public schools. Each classroom needs to display our country’s motto.
Buy Your School Supplies- School Tax-Free Weekend Is August 4-6 This Year
From Friday, August 4, 2023, through Sunday, August 6, 2023, there will be no sales tax on school supplies.
Big Decisions In The House With Representative Smith
Southern Missouri’s representative, Jason Smith, has been fighting for our rights. Here is what he voted on this past week.
Can You Write In Cursive? How Important Is It?
Cursive writing used to be taught as a mandatory extra in all elementary schools. Recently, cursive writing has been dropped..
Governor Parson Signs Two Bills Protecting Kids Of Missouri
On June 7, 2023, the governor of Missouri, Mike Parson, signed Senate Bills 39 and 49 into law which made transgender sports and gender treatment illegal.
Homeschool Contest Open For Writers and Photographers
The contests HSLDA offers are for short story writing and photography, These are for children homeschooled between the ages of 7-19.
Alton High School Alumni Plans Upcoming Banquet Reunion
The Alton High School Alumni Committee announces the 2023 Alumni Banquet reunion. This will be held on Saturday, May 27, 2023.
Alton Graduating Class To Hold Baccalaureate Service
Alton High School is having a graduation ceremony and the city is hosting a baccalaureate service for all graduates.