A group of nearly 50 influential conservatives co-signed a statement Wednesday calling to “change the status quo in Washington.”
Currently browsing "Society".
The Most Common New Years’ Resolutions And Three Quick Facts
Are you planning to make a New Year’s resolution? You should be proud of yourself for trying to better yourself.
What Different Symbols Mean At Christmas-Time
We cherish our traditions, handed down from generation to generation, country to country, and community to community.
IRS To Come Down Hard On Internet Sellers
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) warns independent contractors that they will have to report online income starting in 2023.
Majority Of Trump Candidates Did Actually Win November 8
According to the mainstream media, former President Trump did not see the victory he had thought election night.
Americans Are Unhappy With Economy, Why Vote Status Quo?
Tuesday’s exit polls showed that 73% of voters were angry about the direction the country is heading. Why?
Delivery Services Looking Ahead To The Holidays
October is traditionally the beginning of the holiday season. Cooler weather makes one think about the upcoming holidays.
Boy Wanted- Appropriate Then As Well As Now
his ‘want ad’ appeared in the early part of the 20th century. It clearly defines what every person wants from a boy.
Big Tech Receiving Limitations By Federal Government
House of Representatives passed a package of antitrust reform bills to limit gamesmanship and increase security on the largest corporations.
No Scenic Byway For Oregon And Nearby Counties
Several counties, including Oregon County, are opting out of the proposed scenic byway. Residents feared government overreach.
How Much Do You Really Spend On Taxes? Too Much!
According to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans spent more on taxes than on food, clothing, and health care combined!
Will Missouri Voters Choose Recreational Marijuana?
The issue of marijuana use is back on the ballot this fall. A decision must be made regarding the recreational use of marijuana.