{"id":13296,"date":"2022-01-22T07:36:00","date_gmt":"2022-01-22T13:36:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.altonmo.com?p=13296&preview=true&preview_id=13296"},"modified":"2022-01-21T19:39:15","modified_gmt":"2022-01-22T01:39:15","slug":"teenpact-study-seccion","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.altonmo.com\/politics\/government\/teenpact-study-seccion-20220122","title":{"rendered":"Homeschool Teens- Want To Join A TeenPact Study Session?"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n

Missouri’s TeenPact classes are coming up in two months. Since no teenager wants to cram at the last moment, you need to start your homework early. If any homeschooler interested in attending either Missouri TeenPact class, a study session is being planned!<\/p>\n

The TeenPact Classes<\/h2>\n

There are two Missouri TeenPact’s this year. The first class will be from February 28, 2022, to March 4, 2022. The second Missouri class is from March 28th until April 1st. The dates include the one-day Political Communications Workshop (PCW).<\/p>\n

What It’s About<\/h2>\n

TeenPact gets homeschooled teenagers from around the state and brings them up to their state capital for five days. During those five days, you get to see the capital, learn about how a bill becomes a law, about the three branches of government, elections, and how to grow closer in your relationship with God.<\/p>\n

Study Session!<\/h2>\n

Since TeenPact Missouri does have homework, except for the PCW, it is always good to get a head start on it. If you’re a newcomer to TeenPact and you want information on how to get the definitions or political fact sheet information or ideas for a bill, a study session is right for you! If you’re an alumni, come along and help the new people get started and do your own homework.<\/p>\n

When It Will Be<\/h3>\n

The study session will be in February or March. As the classes get closer, a definite date will be determined. Any homeschoolers of all ages are welcome to work on their TeenPact Missouri homework at the study session.<\/p>\n

Are You Interested?<\/h3>\n

If you’re interested in coming to a TeenPact Missouri study session, email amanda@altonmo.com for more information.<\/p>\n

Previous Year<\/h2>\n

Last year’s Missouri TeenPact was the largest TeenPact class yet! It had plenty of people and fun and lots of learning about the government involved in it. Here is a montage of Missouri TeenPact 2021.<\/p>\n