Alton Chamber Meets And Announces New Officers

Alton Walnut Festival.

Alton, Mo. – The Alton Chamber of Commerce met at the United Methodist Church on Thursday, June 20, 2024. They voted in officers, talked about committees, and discussed progress in the Walnut Festival.

Old Business

Under old business, the chamber passed a resolution for three standing committees as needed.  The president will work to appoint three individuals to the following standing committees:   

1. Rules and Finance – provides direction and oversight as needed on matters relating to governance practices of the Chamber, budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, internal controls, and accountability practices, auditing, and compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements; assist,

2. Public Relations and Marketing – provides advice and recommendations to the Chamber as needed regarding strategic outreach and engagement, marketing, social media and website management, and unified messaging.
3. Membership and Fundraising –  provides advice and recommendations to the 
Chamber as needed on matters relating to the growth and retention of the Chamber 
Membership and the advancement of greater fundraising opportunities.

Walnut Festival

Progress on Walnut Festival plans was reported.  Debbie Sallings has commitments for the days’ stage bands and donations to pay for most of the cost.   Liam will work on other programming for the weekend’s events.  Hope and McKenzie will send out vendor applications.  The application will be posted on the website.  Laurel will help with publicity.  Jolene Howell notified the chamber that she would help with Saturday morning’s contests.  T-shirts were discussed.  
A motion was made to change the festival’s time schedule from 9:00 AM—4:00 PM  to 10:00 AM—5:00 PM, which passed.


The following were elected as 2024-25 officers: Hope Rackley, President; Laurel Johnson, Vice President; and Liam Hession, Secretary-Treasurer. The officers will begin duties in July. 
Congratulations to all of the officers! Just a reminder that anyone can attend the chamber meetings. You need not own a business.

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