Alton City Council Discussed The Month’s Business On March 10th

Alton, Mo. –The Alton City council met on Monday, March 10, 2025, to discuss the business of the month. The public meeting took about five minutes because there was not a lot to discuss.


The streets that make up Shipps Circle will cost around $40,000-$50,000 to repair; with a couple of other streets, the estimate goes up to around $100,000.


There was nothing to report on sewer or water or police. For the fire report, there has been a lot of fires that have been burning.

Spring Clean-Up

For the city administrator’s report, she said that the city’s spring clean-up will be from March 31st through April 4th.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on April 14, 2025, at the city hall. The public is encouraged to come to listen and know what’s happening in the city or to give community input.

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