Alton City Hall Now Taking 4th Of July Vendor Applications

Children looking at fireworks.

Children looking at fireworks.

Alton, Mo. – Are you a vendor looking for booth space during the Fourth of July festivities? Alton has made available its vendor applications for the upcoming Fourth Of July celebration. Incidentally, Alton celebrates with fireworks on July 3, weather permitting.

Who Can Have A Booth?

Vendors selling items can rent a booth. As this is not an election year, more booth space is available. Download and print this application: 2025 Alton Fireworks Show Vendor Application


The fireworks celebration will be on Thursday, July 3, 2025. Vendors can set up at 3:00 p.m. Gates open at 5:00 p.m., and the festivities begin at 6:00 p.m.

Vendor permit must be returned by Friday, June 27, 2025.


No yard sale items allowed. Neither the City of Alton nor the Alton Fire Department will be responsible for thefts or accidents. No animals allowed. Vendors are responsible for their own equipment, including tables, electric cords, chairs, etc.

You can return the form and the funds to the Alton City Hall, PO Box 247, Alton, MO  65606.


If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to call City Hall at 417-778-6321.

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