Chewy Operations Expand: 800,000 Sq. Ft. In Kansas City Suburb Of Belton, Mo.

Chewy boxes

Chewy boxes

On July 21, Chewy announced plans to open an 800,000 square foot facility in Belton, Missouri. Belton is a suburb of Kansas City, Mo.

What Does Chewy Offer?

Chewy is an online retailer of pet food and products. It offers a choice of over 2,000 name brands for dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles, and even horses, among others. This facility will create more than 1,200 jobs.

Our Governor Says

Governor Parson thinks this is great timing. This is what he said.

Chewy’s decision to expand to Belton and create new jobs for Missouri families is a testament to our ongoing business strengths as we work to recover from COVID-19. We welcome Chewy to Missouri and look forward to working together as the company grows and invests in our state.

Missouri worked with a number of regional partners in attracting Chewy to the Kansas City area.

History Of Chewy

Chewy was founded in 2011 and operates in 15 locations across the U.S. The Kansas City location will be one of the largest centers in its network.

What Others Are Saying

Diane Pelkey, the Vice President of Communications and Public Relations at Chewy, said,” We are thrilled to open our first fulfillment center in Missouri and continue to grow our team. We’re so excited to be a part of this community and look forward to having a presence in the region.” [1] The Belton mayor along with the president of the Kansas City Area Development Council were also delightedat Chewy’s decision to open a center here.


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