Alton, Mo. – People traded ducks, chickens, and melons among other things at the Livestock Auction House off Highway AA today. This auction is a place where locals can buy and sell on scheduled dates.
Most people in Alton cannot afford to run to regional markets every weekend, but Duane Dawson has made it his mission to change that. They can find the time to gather locally at Mo/Ark Livestock Auction.
Directions To Mo/Ark Livestock Auction
To get to the barn follow Mo. Hwy. 19 north from Alton, Mo. about a mile, then turn right (east) on Cty. Rd. AA about 3 miles. The barn is on the north side of the road.
The auction barn is “open second and fourth Saturday of each month” Dawson said, but this month, August, the barn is “closed because of the heat” he continued.
Dawson has been active in the Alton area for many years including activity in the area of organic foodstuffs.
Todays Prices
Prices were high for watermelons at $9.00 each melon. Last month they “sold for $2.50” according to Dawson.
Ducks went for about 50¢ each and chickens (various sizes) went for about $3.00 each.