Mo Eclipse Task Force Now Offers Promotional Kits

Huge eclipse glasses

The Missouri Eclipse Taskforce has assembled a promotional kit available for planning and promoting. They want tourists in Missouri, and the eclipse is a great example to get them here. Reaching out is important, and this kit can serve as a tool to help you and the community get ready.


They have created a simple form for you to make your official kit request. Even if you had responded to a previous email saying you wanted a kit(s), you must fill out the form. They need the form by October 4, 2023. Signs and cards can be used to promote the eclipse.

They even provided you with an image link to see the poster’s appearance. 


The eclipse is coming, and we cannot stop it. But we can prepare ourselves and our businesses for it. With the poster and business cards, we can make the community aware of the dates and preparations being made. April 8, 2024, Alton will experience totality during the middle of the day. Visitors are preparing to come to the area to participate in this total eclipse- the last one for a generation.

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