Apple Apps To Reduce Stress In The School Classroom

Macbook on desk.

Macbook on desk.

Apple released another app to help teachers and scholars, the Schoolwork app. In today’s world, people are turning more and more to electronics. People once carried a heavy backpack filled with notebooks, binders, schedules, and assignments. Now all that’s needed is a light piece of technology.

Many schools use tablets instead of textbooks. Most schools alert students of upcoming events online and have students turn their assignments in online. Technology is being created every day to make both the students and the teacher’s life easier when it comes to how to teach and how to learn.

Educational apps

Apple already had an app called “Classroom.” Classroom allowed a teacher to view what students see on their screen. It also allowed them to control and transfer files to students in their classes.

In mid-2018, Apple released a new app called “Schoolwork.” Schoolwork is Classrooms companion. Created to distribute documents, iBook files, web links, and assignments through ClassKit with due dates. Students can hand in their assignments and provide feedback through the app.

Schoolwork and the apps supporting it give teachers new insight into how their students are performing, helping them tailor their teaching to the needs and potential of each student.

Teachers have a snapshot of class performance and can check on an individual student’s progress across activities — progress within apps or projects they’ve created.

As with every Apple product, privacy and security features are built in so schools get to create, own and control the accounts used by their students and decide when student progress information is shared. [1]

Apple is marketing to a new generation of users with their new apps. They seem to understand that, like Jesus said, “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant”.

In this age of tech giants, we can certainly learn one thing: when you supply demand (give the user what they want/need) your business will do well.


  1. ^Apple Newsroom. (2018). Apple News launches 2018 Midterm Elections section. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2018]. (go back  ↩)

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