Can You Send A Get-Well Card?

Hospital room

Hospital room

Alton, Mo. – We appreciate our librarians so much. They work tirelessly at their system of loaning and retrieving books and media for free for everyone in the county. But now an accident happened. What can you do to help the situation? A simple get-well card goes a long way.

What Happened?

One of our librarians, Becky, fell and broke her ankle. She needs surgery, and it will take a while to heal.

What Can I Do?

A simple get-well card or a note saying, ‘Thinking about you’ can go a long way toward healing.

Where Should I Send It?

You can drop off the card personally at the library or mail it to the library, in Becky’s care, at PO Box 158 in Alton. Either way, they will ensure that Becky gets the cards and well wishes.

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