Local Author Prints Another Book- Come See!


Book by Ms. Brown

Alton, Mo. – A local author has published another book and is inviting the public to her launch. This is book seven in the series. While Cygnet Brown writes for this series, she is well-versed in several other topics, including Oregon County and the Ozarks in general and living off the land.

What Is Happening?

Cygnet Brown is having a book launch for her new book, Two Rivers: Book VII of the Locket Saga. The public can talk to her about this book or any other she has written. She will also sign their purchased copy. She will have this book and the other books in the series for sale on the launch day.

When Is This?

The book launch will be Tuesday, October 1, 2024, between 3-6 pm.

Book by Ms. Brown
Book by Ms. Brown

Where Is It?

The book launch happens at Court Square Cafe on the square in Alton.

Who Is Cygnet Brown?

Cygnet Brown is a local established author. She has fifteen published books, including this one. All but one can be purchased in paperback, and one is only available as an ebook. One of her recent books, Wild and Scenic, was published to help visitors and residents learn more about this county. Historical facts and well-known sights are described in a way that encourages the reader to get outdoors and see what is happening. Her books Gourmet Weeds and The Survival Garden are two recent successes. She wrote The Gourmet Weeds book in conjunction with another writer.

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