Playground Equuipment Getting Repaired…Again

Alton Park

Alton Park

Alton, Mo. – Tucker Creek Park is plagued by trouble. In early summer, the plastic dome on the playground set broke. The city repaired it. And now it is broken again.

Where Is The Damage?

The plastic dome is too hard for young children playing on the slides to break. However, it is in the slides area. Someone tried to protect the children by placing chains over the broken pieces.

City Hall Response

Alton City Hall was unaware of the recurring damage. Once it was repaired in early summer, there should be no additional problems. However, the plastic is broken. City Hall has removed the chains and broken plastic. They have affixed plywood to the needed area until the proper piece arrives and the repairs can be made.

The city is attempting to keep the park family-friendly in all ways. However, it is up to the patrons to take care of the park when they use it and report any trouble they see.

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