Mammoth Spring, Arkansas, will again offer s rabies clinic. The Mammoth Spring Chamber of Commerce has set up a partnership with Langley Animal Clinic. The following week Alton will host this event.
Where Is This Held First?
The Simmons Bank is opening its parking lot for this animal clinic. The parking lot is located at 165 Main Street in downtown Mammoth Spring.
Additional Details Concerning This Event
This event takes place on Saturday, April 4, 2020, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Langley Animal Clinic is charging $10.00 per animal. The clinic is inviting the public to bring their pets, their dogs and cats, to come to get their annual rabies vaccinations. No appointment is necessary. No limit on the size of the pet. And, no, the pet does not need a history with Langley Animal Clinic to participate.
Where Else Is This Held?
A week later, on April 11, 2020, the Alton Elementary School parking lot will host the Langley Animal Clinic for their rabies clinic. The details in Alton, Missouri, are the same time as in Mammoth Spring. Local residents have their choice as to which clinic better suites their schedule.
What Is Rabies?
Rabies is a disease that affects the nervous system. Although uncommon in humans, wild animals frequently do contract the disease. To protect your pet from contracting the disease from a wild animal, it is best to get it vaccinated once a year. The vaccination usually lasts one year. Your pet can first be vaccinated at 4-6 months. [1]
If you have additional questions, you are encouraged to call the Langley Animal Clinic at 417-264-2206.
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