Terrific Results Of Shafer Family Benefit Auction, Dinner, And Car Wash

Shafer benefit

Alton, Mo. – Saturday was a big day for helping a needy family. As advertised on social media posts and through flyers, there was to be a dinner and auction to help the Shafer family. The community came out in droves to assist.

crowd at Shafer benefit

Preceding Events

A number of fundraisers happened earlier to add to the benefit. One of the events was the Saturday car wash. After attending the auction at the fire station, many vehicles stopped by to get a clean car. The car wash raised $194.

Dinner, Auction, And Raffle

By 5:00 pm, evening activities began. People poured into the multipurpose building for the dinner, music, and auction. The school parking lot was full, and inside, seating was elbow to elbow. All these families came out to support the Shafer family. Altogether, over $55,000 was raised during the evening, according to their Facebook post.

baked goods

Residents paid well for firearms, toys, baked goods, and gift certificates. The auction had various items, sure to meet every family’s needs.

Shafer auction items

We thank everyone who came out or donated to make this benefit a huge success.

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