Walnut Festival Contests- Time To Plan Now

Walnut Festival sign

Walnut Festival sign

Alton, Mo. – The Black and Gold Walnut Festival is an annual event all locals look forward to. Vendors come from far and wide, displaying their goods around the square. Delicious fair-type aromas enter the nose. Bright colors dazzle the eyes. And music—often from a local group—entertains us from a stage right on the square. But that is not all. As this is a walnut festival, the chamber plans walnut-themed contests. Here are some of them.

Black Walnut


Each year, they plan a baking contest. The only restriction is that it must contain black walnuts! Bring your favorite item for judging. You choose whether it be brownies, banana bread, or fudge with black walnuts. The ideas are endless. Just remember those walnuts!

Alton Walnut Festival. Chair made from black walnut


This contest is open to all ages. What can you make from black walnut wood? Last year saw only one entry! Some ideas include furniture, a walking stick, or a fishing pole. Bring your walnut wood entry, and you may win a prize!

Pumpkins lined up to be judged for the Pumpkin carving contest on October 2, 2021 at Alton, Mo.
Pumpkins lined up to be judged for the Pumpkin carving contest on October 2, 2021 at Alton, Mo.

Other contests

The children can participate in a pumpkin carving contest. The winner will receive real money. AltonMo.com is hosting a photo contest. Bring your favorite snapshots. All attendees will vote on the best. There are three categories: people, places, and things/nature/animals. The other contest is the Walnut Idol contest, a local favorite.

Whatever contest you choose, and you can enter more than one, now is the time to start planning, carving, or practicing baking. The Walnut Festival is just around the corner on the first Saturday of October.

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